NHTSA Proposes New Method for Recalls

Sept. 1, 2016

Sept. 1, 2016—On Wednesday, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposed that recall notices should be sent electronically in order to increase repair rates, according to a report by Automotive News.

Notices by mail would still be required, but under NHTSA’s proposal, automakers would be able to choose the “electronic means they feel are most effective,” according to the report.

The NHTSA said that electronic means would include emails, text messages, targeted social media campaigns, phone calls, radio and TV messages.

"Safety recalls are vitally important, but far too often people say they are unaware of open recalls on their vehicles," a NHTSA spokesman said, according to Automotive News. "This proposed rule would require automakers to add modern tools to the way they communicate to owners about open recalls. NHTSA is committed to using all tools at its disposal to strive for 100 percent recall completions."

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