Jan. 30, 2019–A Texas auto repair shop hosted a charity car care for members of Montgomery County, according to Woodland Online. The publication reports that Milstead Automotive of Spring, Texas, hosted the car care charity class that aims to teach many about vehicle maintenance and safety.
The class was taught by Milstead Automotive service advisor, Gregg Bruce, Woodland Online reports.
“We touch on a lot of different aspects of car care from maintaining your vehicle to what you can check yourself. Having the car on a lift makes it easy for the guys to see what is going on and where to look. We believe good maintenance is key,” Bruce said to Woodland Online. “We also teach the kids that you can check your fluids like the oil, transmission, antifreeze/coolant, washer fluid and battery. And you can check your tires to see if they are over or under inflated.”
The workshop has been conducted for years, president of Mislead Automotive Group, Amy Milstead said to Woodland Online.
"We also promote a Lipsticks & Dipsticks program especially for teenage girls and women," Milstead said to Woodland Online. "Our focus is safety and if we can help keep our drivers safe, then we have done our job."