Jan. 23, 2018—Repair Shop Coach is hosting three brand new
“Car Count Clinic” events starting this weekend, with the aim of breaking down new marketing technologies for automotive shop owners.
“I decided to put on this event because we’ve entered an entirely new era in the auto repair business,” Ron Ipach, president of Repair Shop Coach and host of the seminars, said. “The ‘old ways’ of marketing simply aren’t cutting it anymore, because today’s consumer has drastically changed.”
Examples of topics covered by the event are as follows:
- How to attract and keep all the top-quality customers that you can handle (for only pennies a day)
- A walkthrough of the simple $14.81 campaign that produced 14 new appointments and $5,418.63 in sales in only one week.
- How to quickly rise to the No. 1 spot on Google for your local area.
The first event will be Jan. 27 in Orlando, Fla. The two subsequent events will be held Feb. 24 and 25, in Birmingham, Ala. and Atlanta, respectively.
Register here.