Podcast: How to Vet, Hire and Retain Your Technicians | Doug Grills

Nov. 7, 2023
In this episode, Doug Grills of AutoStream Car Care Center walks through the processes his shop uses to bring on new technicians and keep them in place.

In this episode, Doug Grills, owner of AutoStream Care Care Center with multiple locations across Maryland, talks about vetting, hiring and training technicians. Today, he's going to share his processes from:

  • Creating goal posters with his team to cast a vision
  • Why 1-on-1 meetings matter in retaining technicians
  • The need for good communication
  • Why training inspires technicians to stay
  • How his shop vets potential new hires
  • The advantage of providing benefits and incentives

He'll also provide advice for small shops on how to make the right first hires.

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About the Author

Chris Jones | Editor

Chris Jones is the editor of Ratchet+Wrench magazine and host of its companion podcast, Ratchet+Wrench Radio, a weekly show featuring automotive professionals across the auto care landscape.

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