Colorado Could See More EVs in Auto Industry Deal

July 31, 2019

If Colorado adopts the policies, the manufacturers would be required to make EVs account for about 5 percent of vehicle sales by 2023.

July 31, 2019—Colorado could see a surge of electric vehicles in January if the Air Quality Control Commission approves a deal with automakers, reports Colorado Public Radio.

The Colorado Department of Transportation, the Colorado Energy Office, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, and the Association of Global Automakers made a deal concerning the state’s plan to adopt California’s new fuel emission policies.

Under the deal, manufacturers will get an incentive for making more EV models available to consumers. If Colorado adopts the policies, the manufacturers would be required to make EVs account for about 5 percent of vehicle sales by 2023.

“The electric vehicle market is maturing rapidly as automakers invest in more electrified models, and this agreement will ensure that Coloradans have access to the range of clean car choices that are increasingly available to consumers in other states," said Colorado’s DOT Executive Director Shoshana Lew.

The Colorado Air Quality Control Commission is set to take up the matter in two weeks.

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