YANG Announces Regional Meet-Up

Dec. 3, 2015

Dec. 3, 2015—The Young Auto Care Network Group (YANG) of the Auto Care Association announced on Tuesday that it will host a Regional Meet-Up for young auto care professionals in Boston on Dec. 8.

The event will include an overview of key trends impacting the industry and opportunities for networking.

Gem Auto Parts and PartsTech Inc. will serve as co-hosts and contributors.

This is the fourth event hosted by YANG since the Regional Meet-Up program was announced in June 2015.

The event is open to YANG members and non-members. Professionals in the auto care industry under the age of 40 are encouraged to attend.

The event will be held at Jillian’s/Lucky Strike at 145 Ipswitch Street from 6-9 p.m.

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