Report: Mobile-Friendly Sites Crucial for Small Businesses

Aug. 14, 2015

Aug. 14, 2015—This April, Google updated its algorithms to favor websites that look better on mobile devices, making those sites appear higher on search results, according to a report by Small Business Editor.

Fifty percent of people now use mobile devices to search the web. Websites that are mobile-friendly make it easier for users to read and search for content. Mobile users are expected to reach 6.1 billion by 2020, increasing the searches on mobile devices. Small businesses should be aware of this growing trend and make sure that websites are mobile friendly.

Improving online presence is important for small businesses, and Google search results are a big part of that. Google is constantly changing Algorithms so it is important to keep up. In order to improve your search ranking at the moment, make sure that your website is mobile friendly. In order to find out, take Google’s mobile friendly test.

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