Our shop just added a new service, but we’re not sure the best way to let customers know about it. Any suggestions?
George Zabrecky, president, NWZ WORX
The first thing is that when a customer is asking for something, and you implement it, it’s not a new program; it’s a customer service program, because the customer is already asking for it. That’s what needs to be emphasized here.
In most cases, customers are already going somewhere else to get this new program. It’s like adding tires to your repertoire. Now, people don’t have to go to another store. These are services a customer wants and is likely asking for, so how do you get that out there?
We’ve done a tremendous amount of research on this. There’s, of course, the traditional forms of marketing—newsletters, postcards. Then you have your mainstream of newspapers, radio, TV. Then there’s the social media.
The newsletter—or some similar form—by far is your best option.
We’ve helped a number of businesses do this—and actually, my company just recently did it with a new product we’re offering. And what we did was send out emails to customers, telling them, “We know you’ve asked for this, so now we’re giving it to you.”
It’s not a promotion. All you’re doing is letting them know that they asked for it, and you listened … so, here it is. You’re letting them know about the new program, and you’re letting them know that you care about their opinions.
Let’s say you started selling wiper blades, and you’re about to get a major rainstorm. So, you send out an email that tells people the weather’s getting bad, do they need new wiper blades?
You can do things based on the season, based on weather, based on whatever will help you get the point across.
Marketing is very personal. People aren’t always as interested in what you do compared to why you do it.