May 29, 2018—Porsche announced Tuesday that it is supplying its 189 U.S. dealerships with augmented reality glasses that can help mechanics solve issues that arrive on today’s increasingly complex vehicles.
With the AR glasses on, a service technician can conference in a Porsche specialist located at the company's U.S. headquarters in Atlanta and be talked through a repair job—the technician can stream live video of the problem area, while the remote support worker can post helpful repair tips in the worker's peripheral vision.
Called Tech Look Live, the new feature connects Porsche dealerships with dedicated repair technicians at headquarters. Tech Look Live can also be used by the company's roving Field Technical Managers who may be executing repairs on the road.
Porsche says today's cars—now considered rolling computers often with complicated propulsion systems that combine gasoline and battery powered engines—prompted the decision to use AR glasses to help mechanics. The company is working on its first all-electric Tesla competitor, the Mission E sedan.