March 8, 2018—NASTF members are invited to attend the Spring General Meeting on April 30, 2018 in Tucson, Ariz. It will be a part of the ETI ToolTech 2018, but members do not need to register for ToolTech to attend.
The agenda is as follows:
2018 NASTF Spring General Meeting 1-5 p.m. - reception to follow
Welcome – Mark Saxonberg - Chairman
SDRM 2.0 – Presentation on status and changes in the program with Donny Seyfer & Bob Stewart
Latest Business Cyber Threats – Special Agent Paul Scheff - US DOJ/FBI
Road to Great Technicians – Update on program and discussion with attendees
48 Volt Light hybrid, TULA and Delphi/OSU project to improve fuel efficiency - Details TBA
Lightning Updates – NASTF Board, Team members, attendees have three minutes to share something going on in their part of the industry that might be of interest to all.
Round table – Revision of NASTF tool webpages – Team T&E member to scribe at each table.