Feb. 13, 2018—Federated Auto Parts will award twelve scholarships this year to the employees or children of any active Federated Car Care Center purchasing from any Federated member.
These scholarships are funded by Fisher Auto Parts in memory of Art Fisher, founder of Federated Auto Parts and the Federated Car Care program.
The deadline to apply for the scholarships is March 31, 2018.
“Art Fisher was well known for his unwavering support of education, not by words, but by actions,” said Rusty Bishop, CEO of Federated Auto Parts. “It is a fitting tribute to Art and his legacy to award these scholarships to the employees and children of our loyal Federated Car Care Center customers.”
These scholarships will be awarded to the sons, daughters or employees of active Federated Car Care Centers attending a two or four-year accredited college, an ASE/NATEF certified post-secondary automotive/heavy duty/collision technician training program, or any licensed and accredited vocational school.
Students graduating from high school in 2018 and heading to anyof these post-secondary programs also qualify. Eligible students may apply online.
Federated is one of more than 30 other organizations awarding scholarships on the AutomotiveAftermarket Scholarship Central website. As an added benefit for students who apply at thissite, each completed application will be considered by every organization where the candidatemeets the qualifications.
Last year more than 50 students received multiple scholarships fromtheir one application.