Legislation Would Alter Safety Inspection Programs in West Virginia, New Hampshire

Jan. 30, 2018
West Virginia Sen. Robert Karnes, recently introduced a senate bill that would repeal West Virginia’s vehicle safety inspection program, which requires an annual inspection.
Jan. 30, 2018—West Virginia Sen. Robert Karnes, R-11, recently introduced Senate Bill (SB) 90. If enacted, this legislation would repeal West Virginia’s vehicle safety inspection program, which requires an annual inspection.

In New Hampshire, Rep. Glen Dickey, R-Hillsborough- 05, introduced House Bill (HB) 1328 that would change the annual inspection requirement to a biennial (every two years) requirement.

"Those bills are the latest in a recent series of legislation designed to dismantle or weaken a state’s safety inspection program," state the Automotive Service Association (ASA). "ASA opposes both SB 90 and HB 1328.

"The ASA encourages all parties in West Virginia and New Hampshire to visit TakingTheHill.com and click 'Alerts' to contact their state representatives in opposition to these bills."

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