Martins Industries Launches Handheld Tire Inflator

Sept. 12, 2017
Martins Industries has announced the launch of a new handheld automatic digital tire inflator.

Sept. 12, 2017—Martins Industries has announced the launch of a new handheld automatic digital tire inflator. The device is the latest development in Martins’ line of tire inflation technology and has been specially designed to enhance the mobility and productivity of its users.

“Once the user will set its preferable pressures, it will only require a touch of a button to repeat the inflation cycles,” said Martin Depelteau, president of Martins Industries.

The new handheld automatic digital tire inflator:

  • Allows users to inflate the tires of cars, trucks, tractors, military vehicles and airplanes to a pre-programmed and easily measurable level of pressure
  • Lasts to up to 500 inflation cycles on one battery charge, making it a highly mobile and convenient solution for safe and reliable tire inflation needs.    

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