Sept. 1, 2017—For the first time, AAPEX will host the Technology and Telematics Forum V5.0 to spotlight cyber security, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, vehicle data and OE technology.
It will be held Thursday, Nov. 2, from 9 a.m. to noon, PST, at The Venetian in Las Vegas. The forum is included in the AAPEX online attendee registration fee of $40 (U.S). To register, visit here.
The Congress of Automotive Repair and Service (CARS)—sponsored by the Automotive Service Association (ASA)—and the Auto Alliance will present the forum for auto repair professionals, as well as professionals from other automotive aftermarket segments.
The forum, which is part of the AAPEXedu 2017 program, will show attendees how to protect their businesses, customers, employees and life from cyber attacks. Dr. Anuja Sonalker, founder of STEER Tech and cyber security expert, along with Donny Seyfer, co-owner, Seyfer Automotive, will provide the latest information on cyber security and how to avoid being a victim.
Bob Redding, ASA Washington, D.C. representative, will lead a panel discussion on what’s coming to V2V and vehicl-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. A 5G expert and a GM On Star staff member will participate in this discussion.
Bill Long, president, Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA), and Aaron Solomon, CEO and owner, Mobile Devices Ingenierie, France, will address vehicle data, including who owns the data, who gets it and how auto repair professionals can use it. Seyfer will lead this discussion with a focus on the responsibilities and challenges of logging and sifting through the data of vehicles producing a terabyte or more of data per day.
The forum will conclude with presentations by OEs on their latest technologies.