Bolt On Releases Second Wave of New Features

June 7, 2017
Bolt On Technology announced the release of their second wave of feature updates aimed at enhancing convenience and accuracy in the shop.

June 7, 2017—Bolt On Technology announced the release of their second wave of feature updates aimed at enhancing convenience and accuracy in the shop.

Bolt On’s "Optical Character Recognition" feature allows shops to take photos of customer license plates and automatically populates the vehicle tab with all information, reducing inaccuracies in transferring information. This is a free update that is available to current Mitchell 1 Manager SE and Snap-on ShopKey SE users.

In addition to that, oil and TPMS reset instructions are available at all times on tablet devices, eliminating the need to travel back-and-forth every time a shop needs them. This update is currently available for Mitchell 1 ProDemand users with Manager SE or Snap-on ShopKey SE shop management systems.

Another update available to Mitchell 1 Manager SE and Snap-on ShopKey SE Report Pro users is a shop’s ability to keep a fully accurate, documented timeline of each customer interaction. This feature allows shops to provide customers with a minute-by-minute summary of their service visits.

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