Elite Announces New Online Sales Course

June 6, 2017
The AMI-accredited online course will be delivered by Elite president Bob Cooper and top sales trainers Jen Monclus and Doris Barnes, and will be held on four consecutive Wednesdays beginning June 14.

June 6, 2017—Elite has announced that its High Impact Customer Care Sales Course is now available in a new online format.

The AMI-accredited online course will be delivered by Elite president Bob Cooper and top sales trainers Jen Monclus and Doris Barnes, and will be held on four consecutive Wednesdays beginning June 14 (then June 21, June 28 and July 5). All sessions will begin at 10 a.m. PST will be 45 minutes in length (the last session will be an hour to allow for optional AMI testing), and will be presented live so advisors can ask questions and actively engage.

JASPER Engines & Transmissions, a long-time sponsor of Elite’s High Impact Customer Care sales seminars, will also be sponsoring this new online version, and all JASPER customers will be entitled to a discount on the course.

The Online High Impact Customer Care Sales Course will be limited to 100 attendees, and will cover:

  • Selling multiple repairs and big ticket items
  • Selling diagnostic testing and maintenance
  • Building powerful relationships in 60 seconds
  • Overcoming the most challenging sales objections
  • Generating higher sales and happier customers
  • Generating more repeat and referral business
  • Note: Course will come with a workbook, homework assignments and testing to better ensure accountability and lasting results

“We’ve received so many requests to hold our High Impact Courses in different parts of the country that we’ve never been able to accommodate all of them, so we couldn’t be more excited to now be able to offer this course online, and enable owners and advisors all over America to attend with the click of a button,” said Bob Cooper, president of Elite.

For more information on the course, visit the Online High Impact web page.

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