May 10, 2017—Texas Senate Bill (SB) 1588, introduced by State Sen. Donald Huffines, R-16, passed the Texas Senate by a vote of 27-4 on May 4, 2017.
Here is the Automotive Service Association's press release in reaction to the bill:
If enacted this bill would dismantle Texas’ safety inspection program and institute an “inspection program replacement fee” due at a vehicle’s registration or registration renewal. SB 1588’s House companion bill, HB 3995, was reported favorably by the House Committee on Transportation on May 2, 2017. This bill also calls for the elimination of the safety inspection program.
The time to stop these bills and save Texas’ safety inspection program is growing short. ASA encourages all interested parties in Texas to visit to contact their state legislators in opposition to these bills.
Bob Redding, ASA’s Washington, D.C., representative commented, “Time is of the essence for automotive repairers in Texas to contact their state legislators in opposition to these bills. Policymakers in Texas need to know that this inspection program is important for the safety of the motoring public. There are now 15 state programs in the U.S. Studies continue to demonstrate that these programs prevent accidents, injuries and deaths on our highways as compared to states that do not have programs.”