Feb. 15, 2017—“You just had your transmission rebuilt and it seems to be working fine, but the shop wants you to bring it back for a 10-day recheck,” says a female voice offscreen.
Then, she pops into frame, assuring you: “Don't worry, there’s no problem. The 10-day recheck is a valuable part of the rebuild procedure.”
Meet the Transmission Physician—Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care’s newest animated automotive expert. Just last month, she joined the Cottman Man in representing the 55-location network. Since then, the Transmission Physician has been featured in six videos that relate to transmission care.
While the Cottman Man has been the company’s go-to expert on auto care tips, the Transmission Physician focuses strictly on transmissions and what a customer can expect after his or her vehicle experiences transmission work.
She also offers the network a unique way of reaching its female customers, said Rebecca Ledbetter, digital marketing coordinator for Cottman.
“Females are underrepresented in the auto industry,” she said, “so it’s our way of honoring them for how much they’ve helped build the auto repair business.”
By adding the Transmission Physician to its lineup, Cottman is now not only better reach a female demographic, Ledbetter says, but it’s also able to better promote its transmission services, which are important to its overall work mix.
“This is an important distinction, as many Cottman centers have expanded into total auto care and repair. But, at its core, Cottman centers are, and always have been, transmission specialty repair centers,” the company said in a press release.
The Transmission Physician’s videos are housed on a special page on the company’s website, and are promoted regularly on the company's social media pages. Cottman has promoted the new marketing angle to both customers and women groups. The Car Care Council Women’s Board and Ask Patty are both big fans, Ledbetter said, and have helped promote the marketing venture.