April 13, 2017—Robert Bosch LLC has announced the addition of 21 new SKUs for the month of April. Additions were made to the braking and rotating machine product lines.
Bosch Brake Pads
One new SKU has been added to the Bosch QuietCast Brake Pad product line. Two new SKUS have been added to the Bosch Blue Brake Pad product line.
The new Bosch QuiestCast Brake Pad and Bosch Blue Brake Pad SKUs extend coverage to over 569,000 late-model Domestic vehicles in operation.
Bosch Rotating Machines
18 new KSUs have been added for remanufactured alternators and starters, covering late model Domestic, Asian, and European vehicles. The new SKUs extend coverage to 5.9 million vehicles in operation.
“Through our ever-expanding product lines, our customers are able to obtain the parts they depend on with the coverage they need,” said Thomas Winter, Robert Bosch LLC, vice president, automotive aftermarket NA. “The extensive portfolio of Bosch products helps technicians increase efficiencies in the shop and therefore, increase customer satisfaction.”