AFPM Files Notice of Intent to Sue EPA on 2014 RFS

Nov. 24, 2014

Nov. 24, 2014—The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) President Charles T. Drevna responded to the Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement to further delay issuing the 2014 Renewable Volume Obligations of the Renewable Fuel Standard.

In a statement, Drevna said has filed a notice of intent to sue the EPA over “its failure to issue” the regulations:

“The Obama Administration’s decision to further delay issuing the 2014 Renewable Volume Obligations as legally required, is a gross dereliction of responsibility that leaves fuel refiners and the biofuels industry alike to navigate a course of ambiguity. Today’s announcement indicates that the Administration plans to continuously mismanage this program in a manner that equates to playing Russian roulette with the nation’s fuel supply at the American consumer’s ultimate expense. The Administration’s inaction demonstrates once again that the non-functioning Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program is irreparably broken. AFPM calls upon Congress to expeditiously resume work on repealing or significantly reforming the RFS. In the meantime, AFPM will seek legal intervention.

“For three years in a row, the Administration has thumbed its nose at Congress and ignored a crystal clear statutory deadline to issue RVOs by November 30 of the preceding year. For this reason, AFPM today filed a notice of intent to sue EPA over its failure to issue the 2014 RFS regulations, which has languished at the White House Office of Management and Budget since August 22, 2014.”

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