Nov. 15, 2017— GMB, a global auto parts manufacturer, developed an online tool for identifying universal joints (U-joints) by measurements only.
GMB's new online lookup tool makes it possible to identify the right replacement part using simple measurements.
No part number or vehicle information is needed to identify a U-joint.
"Our new Universal Joint lookup tool is one of the first web tools of its kind," explains Sarah Porter, marketing manager at GMB North America. "Currently, most people are using complex and confusing diagrams and tables in catalogs to identify a Universal Joint and find a replacement part number. Our new online system is simpler and more efficient."
The new GMB Universal Joint Lookup Tool references thousands of data points to help users identify the right part quickly and easily.
First, the user chooses the type of Universal Joint.
Then, referencing a simple dimensional diagram, measurements can be entered to either find an exact replacement or the nearest available fit. A GMB part number is provided, as well as a link to the GMB parts catalog.