Reports: Mitsubishi to Stop Making Cars in the U.S.

July 24, 2015

July 24, 2015—Mitsubishi Motors is going to stop production of cars in the U.S., according to multiple reports.

Mitsubishi plans on closing its plant in Normal, Ill., the only plant it has in the U.S., according to Japanese media outlet Nikkei.

In an e-mail to USA Today, Mayor Chris Koos of Normal said that he was unaware of the reports.  "We've not heard one way or another. The local plant managers also have had no word," he wrote.

Mitsubishi is stopping production in the U.S. to focus on the Asia market. It is not clear whether the automaker would also stop selling cars in the U.S.

Mitsubishi has no comment at this time, according to Reuters.

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