Bosch Copper-Free Brake Pads Incorporate Renewable Materials

Jan. 29, 2015

Jan. 29, 2015—In response to legislation requiring the reduction of copper in brake friction formulations, Bosch recently announced that it now offers copper-free material in its premium-grade QuietCast, as well as its other lines of braking products. Bosch has also developed a proprietary copper-free ceramic friction formulation that incorporates renewable materials to make its product even more environmentally-friendly.

“Our new copper-free material was developed over several years and has undergone various endurance tests,” Robert Backode, director of product management for Bosch, said in a release. “Much like the copper-free alloy used to replace copper in the aerospace industry, this material too, has proven to be successful in automotive use, ensuring high strength and lightweight. Test data of the new copper-free material confirms improved performance over copper-based materials.”

The automotive industry’s shift to low-copper content in braking products is a result of legislation passed in the states of California and Washington in 2010 that requires reduction in the use of copper to below five percent by 2021 (low copper) and less than .5 percent by 2025 (no copper). This legislation is based on the grounds that each time a motorist applies the brakes, a bit of copper and other metals get deposited on the road; and when it rains, those metals are washed into nearby streams and rivers—eventually harming aquatic life. Similar legislation has been introduced in Rhode Island, Oregon and New York.

“The introduction of copper-free brake pads that use renewable materials fits right in with this history and our aim is to continue to lead the industry with products that are both innovative and environmentally friendly,” Backode said.

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