In this month’s main feature, “Bridging the Gap,” associate editor Bryce Evans explores what makes Generation Y tick, what they’re looking for in a business, and how you can meet their needs.
As noted in the story, this group, commonly defined as those born after 1980, is bigger than the Baby Boomer generation and expected to dominate your customer base within the next decade. That means your shop will need to find a way to serve these new customers if you want to stay in business. But that shouldn’t be a daunting task, as noted by the three shop operators in the story, who do it well.
This topic hits home with me, as I am actually a part of this growing group, having been born in 1982. I’ve never really thought of myself as a millennial, but many of the traits and behaviors mentioned in the story ring true for me, as well as for my friends and family members of the same generation. One stat in particular stands out, and it’s one that is typically not attached to Generation Y: 70 percent say they “will always come back to the brands they love,” according to a survey by research firm Badgeville. I won’t speak for all Millennials, but I can tell you that if a business serves me right, I will return. And I will dump a business just as quickly if the opposite is true.
What I want is simple: Courtesy, honesty, quality and convenience. Those are really the four pillars for me, the four must-haves. If your staff and facility show me that you care about customers, if you can give me a fair estimate that truly addresses my needs, if you can competently perform repairs, and if you can make it easy for me in terms of speed and/or ability to provide alternative transportation, you will win my business.
Jake Weyer[email protected]