AWDA Attendees to Raise Money for University of the Aftermarket Foundation

Oct. 22, 2015

Oct. 22, 2015—Distributors and vendors participating in the 2015 Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association’s (AWSDA) Business and Education Conference have teamed up to make a donation to the University of the Aftermarket Foundation (UAF).

Donations to AWDA’s “One-on-One Challenge” are directly tied to the number of one-on-one meetings held during AWDA’s 2015 Conference in Las Vegas, to be held Oct. 31-Nov. 1. Donated funds will support the foundation in providing educational scholarships to students interesting in pursuing careers in the auto care industry.

The Automotive Distribution Network, Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance, Federated Auto Parts, National Pronto Association and Auto Plus have all committed to make a $10 donation for each one-on-one meeting held between member distributors and vendor partners during the 2015 AWDA conference. Other participating distributors who are not aligned with one of those organizations have also committed to donate.

Members of AWDA’s Manufacturers’ Advisory Council (MAC) endorsed the goal of a $25 donation from participating vendors for each one-on-one meeting, creating the potential for a $35 donation for each meeting scheduled during the conference.

“Last year, 42 vendors and all the major program distribution groups combined to generate more than $40,000 in donations,” said John Washbish, chairman of fundraising, UAF. “With more than 2,000 meetings scheduled this year, the potential exists for over $70,000 in total donations to flow from this event into the foundation’s scholarship fund on an annual basis. We are still accepting pledges from our vendor partners and with their help, expect to substantially improve on last year’s performance.”

For information on how to donate to the University of the Aftermarket Foundation, visit its website.

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