2016 Ratchet+Wrench Shop Technology Complete Report

March 31, 2016

Technology is changing our industry. But who’s using what? And how can it affect actual key business metrics for a shop like yours?

We recently surveyed nearly 700 shop owners to find out how technology is implemented around the industry. We found some interesting results which we published in our April issue, but since our publication goes out to tens of thousands of shop owners, it wasn’t personalized for one specific type of shop. That’s why we created the customizable 2016 Shop Technology Survey: Complete Report.

The 59-page Complete Report breaks down 23 survey questions by shop size, type, ARO, car count, revenue and geography, so you can draw conclusions about what will work specifically for a shop like yours—all for $99.

Not only will this Complete Report help you see if your shop is falling behind similar shops, it will help you identify opportunities to get ahead—opportunities that can potentially raise your ARO and increase car count.

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