Report: Americans Don’t Want Autonomous Cars

May 6, 2016

May 6, 2016—Recent surveys say that most Americans still don’t want anything to do with autonomous vehicles, according to a report from Automotive News.

Automakers and tech giants are investing billions into the technology, but surveys from J.D. Power, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Canadian Automotive Association, Kelley Blue Book, and others say that more than half of consumers aren't ready for an autonomous revolution. 

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities mechanical engineering student Dan Sherman, who studies autonomous technology, says he trusts the technology and sees the takeover of autonomous cars as an eventuality, but he doesn’t want to give up driving cars.

“It’s something I’ve loved to do my entire life and it’s kind of on its way out,” he says. “That’s the sad truth.”

Companies like Google, Lyft, FCA, and GM are making huge strides toward rolling out autonomous vehicles. Google has partnered with FCA to build and test autonomous Chrysler Pacificas, while GM has bought autonomous vehicle start-up Cruise Automation. 

There are several reasons why consumers say they aren’t ready, but the biggest reason is a mistrust of the technology, according to a study from J.D. Power.

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