Jones: Raising the Bar on Shop Aesthetics

Aug. 9, 2023
How paying attention to the aesthetics of your shop gives customers a premium experience starting at the front door.

I’ve had a love affair with HGTV for some time. The first show I ever watched was “Design on a Dime” in the late ‘90s. I was obsessed with how they could redesign interiors on a low budget. In time, I progressed through the programming going from “Love It or List It” and “Property Brothers” to “Rehab Addict”, “Flip or Flop” and “Home in a Heartbeat.” I also subscribe to HGTV Magazine.  

That love of interior design started young when I was 11 or 12 years old. I’d rearrange various rooms within my grandparents’ home a few times a year alongside my aunts. We’d move furniture, change the photos and fixtures on the walls and hang new drapes. There was even a point in my life when I strongly considered majoring in interior design. There’s something about a well-designed and decorated space that’s calming or energizing. And I’m not alone in feeling that way. 

In this issue, we have three aesthetically-pleasing shops that are designed to create an atmosphere of calm and comfort for their customers. In our feature story, “Impressive Interiors,” you’ll read about Jared McPike of InMotion Auto Care in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Jeana Babcock of Babcock Auto Care in Rochester, Minnesota. These two shop owners (along with their co-owners) went above and beyond to create gorgeous waiting areas in their shops designed to show their customers that a trip to the auto repair shop can be as relaxing and upscale as any hotel lobby or lounge area. 

The Shop View this month, Rick’s Automotive in Springfield, Missouri, is a sleek and modern-looking shop (it even has a gym!). Guests are also treated to valet parking-like front-door service.  

I hope the shops you read about and see in this issue inspire you to think about how you’re using your space. Today’s customers want to visit a shop that looks as high-end as the quality of work you provide. It’s a worthy investment.

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