Cerrone's European

April 1, 2013

SHOP: Cerrone’s European  LOCATION: Redwood City, Calif.  OWNER: Anthony and Frank Cerrone

1)  Owners Anthony and Frank Cerrone service high-end European makes. According to Anthony, the kinds of customers who drive these cars care about how things look. That’s why the brothers bring a detailed approach to maintaining the exterior of their building.  A landscaper comes once a week to manicure the shrubs, grass and ivy.

2) The flowers add to the shop’s manicured aesthetic, providing a dash of color, which appeals to customers and passersby.

3) The brothers only put signs of the makes they service in their shop windows, leaving the building with a clean front. They prefer to simply let customers know what they service, rather than try to lure them with window promotions.

4) The Cerrones include the shop’s website on their sign. Anthony is very proud of their online presence, and since they don’t have any advertisements on the outside of the building, he believes the website is a good way to inform potential customers of their services.

5)  At night, green LED bulbs illuminate the “Cerrone’s European” logo. The lighting fits with the shop’s green and yellow color scheme and attracts nighttime attention.

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