Repair Shop Employees Reunite Doe and Fawn

June 9, 2022

Employees of Tuffy Tire & Auto Service believe that the doe gave birth near the repair shop. 

June 9, 2022—When Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center employees recently saw a doe laying outside of the repair shop by herself, they didn't think too much of it. 

According to ABC 6, later that same day grounds maintenance workers saw a fawn in the exact same spot that the doe had been in prior. 

When the fawn found its way into the Columbus, Ohio, repair shop, employees grew worried. The mother doe was not seemingly nearby, so they made the decision to usher the fawn back to the spot where the doe had been earlier that day. 

According to the employees, this strategy worked. The doe and fawn have been reunited.

Employees have hypothesized that the doe must have given birth to the fawn that same day, perhaps in the same area that they saw her in initially. This means that the fawn wasn't even a day old when it had its very first visit to a repair shop!

About the Author

Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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