Take the 2022 Ratchet+Wrench Industry Survey

March 3, 2022

Share your experience and help create the most accurate data possible.

Mar. 3, 2022—Ratchet+Wrench has launched the 2022 Ratchet+Wrench Industry Survey, an industry-wide initiative to get a snapshot of the state of mechanical/services centers as told by shop owners and professionals within the industry. 

In 2021, collected data collected from nearly 570 repair shops revealed key industry metrics on how the average shop operates and excels. 

"This report is an asset for the auto care professional looking to get a decisive edge using data and information gathered from their industry peers,” said Ratchet+Wrench editor Chris Jones.  

Respondents will share their experience by answering questions from three key areas:

  • KPI Report: Covering the major KPIs that each shop should be tracking to measure success. It also gives a glimpse into what other KPIs shops are tracking.
  • Leadership Report: Analyzing the habits, mindsets and processes that today’s body shop operators utilize.
  • Tech+Tools Report: Tracking industry trends and see the investments other shops have made in tools and equipment. You can also assess their returns on investment.

Interested in sharing your experience? Visit ratchetandwrench.com/survey to participate.

About the Author

Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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