Data Analysis Reveals Top States for EV Adoption

Oct. 22, 2021

The data can be used by auto repair shops to identify business opportunities and understand whether or not trends are developing in their area. 

Oct. 22, 2021—Altair Engineering, a software technology company, has released the findings of its predictive modeling of EV adoption, showing which parts of the country are embracing EVs. 

The top EV adopters were all clustered in the Northeast, with Vermont, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Delaware recognized as “Top EV Adopters.” Other states that were in “high gear,” meaning strong adoption rates, were California, Maryland, Hawaii, New Mexico, Colorado and Florida. 

The top “EV laggers” were North Dakota, Nebraska, Idaho, Arkansas, Mississippi and Kansas. 

The data can be used by auto repair shops to understand whether or not they are located in an area with high or low adoption rates, thus giving them an idea of it is a worthy investment to do EV work. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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