Man Shot by Police at Repair Shop

Oct. 21, 2021

A physical struggle between police and the man resulted in the man being shot. 

Oct. 21, 2021—A man was hospitalized after being shot by a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy at an auto repair shop, the Pasadena Star News reported. 

Deputies responded to a call about a 25-year-old man who drove into the parking lot of an automotive shop, acted erratically and threatened the business owner and employees if they didn’t fix his car. The deputies found the man seated in his car with a woman and saw he had a gun in his lap, the Sheriff’s Department said. When deputies ordered him to put his hands up away from his lap, the man refused and deputies grabbed him from the car, authorities said.

A physical struggle ensued between one deputy and the man and the man reached for his waistband and a deputy fired a single round, striking the man, according to the Sheriff’s Department.

The man was transported to the hospital and was reported to be stable. 

About the Author

Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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