Feb. 19, 2020—Catalytic converter thefts are still on the rise, creating a higher demand for replacements.
According to a report from KY3, these thefts are causing shops in Springfield, Mo., to run extremely low on the converters.
"Everybody in town is buying them, so it's hard to find them in stock right now," Micah Blake, Rick's Automotive service advisor, told KY3.
According to the report, thieves have hit many of Springfield's local businesses, including Habitat for Humanity, the Salvation Army, and most recently eighty catalytic converters from a local shuttle bus company.
Blake said thieves are likely to target vehicles that sit higher up like vans, buses and trucks.
Luckily, there are metal plates and cages that can be installed around a catalytic converter, making it tougher for thieves to get to it. However, Blake says the added protection could also cause problems for future auto repairs.