Experts Say It Will Be Decade Before Selling Self-Driving Vehicles

July 30, 2019

According to a J.D. Power Survey, auto industry experts predict it will be at least 12 years before autonomous vehicles are being sold to private buyers.

July 31, 2019—According to a J.D. Power Survey, auto industry experts predict it will be at least 12 years before autonomous vehicles are being sold to private buyers, reports CNBC.

Consumers believe it will be about a decade before self-driving vehicles are ready for use, while the auto industry believes autonomous taxis will not be ready for public use until 2025.

“It’s going to be around that decade-plus before that is going to be an option for consumers to purchase a self-driving vehicle,” said Kristin Kolodge, executive director, driver interaction & human machine interface research at J.D. Power.

J.D. Power and SurveyMonkey polled more than 100 auto and tech experts to measure what the industry things about the future of self-driving vehicles vs. what more than 5,000 consumers believe.

It’s also predicted that autonomous vehicles will make up only 10 percent of all vehicles by 2034.

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