Over the years, Ratchet+Wrench has relied on several different surveys to provide snapshots of the industry, including KPI trends, technology and tool investments and leadership styles. And now all of those statistics have been compiled into a single survey.
Dubbed the Ratchet+Wrench Industry Survey, this inaugural questionnaire aims to break down every nut that keeps a shop together and gear that keeps the industry running into a holistic overview of how the average shop operates. With data from nearly 450 shops at Ratchet+Wrench’s disposal, this survey report is able to break down not only what the average numbers are, but also what’s driving the most profitable shops that filled out the survey.
The complete report for this survey is now available. Through this report, you’ll receive valuable insights and compelling data from all aspects of automotive repair.
Within the complete report, you’ll find three more reports (which are also available for purchase separately):
- KPI Report: This covers the major KPIs that each shop should be tracking to measure success. It also gives a glimpse into what other KPIs shops are tracking.
- Leadership Report: Analyze the habits, mindsets and processes that today’s body shop operators utilize.
- Tech+Tools Report: Track industry trends and see the investments other shops have made in tools and equipment. You can also assess their returns on investment.