ASA Encourages Congresspeople to Join Vehicle Data Access Caucus

Feb. 13, 2023

The Automotive Service Association is reaching out to shops to contact their state representatives to encourage them to join the newly-formed Vehicle Data Access Caucus.

Feb. 13, 2023–The Automotive Service Association is asking shop owners to encourage their state representatives to join the Vehicle Data Access Caucus, according to a press release.

The Vehicle Data Access Caucus is a newly-formed bipartisan group in the U.S. House of Representatives created by U.S. Congressman Earl “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) and U.S. Congressman Darren Soto (D-FL). It aims to increase privacy and security for data stored within vehicles.

Reps. Carter and Soto said that due to progressing vehicle technology creating more data “that can be accessed by a variety of sources ranging from in-vehicle ports to wireless transmission,” they believe that “what data is accessible, to whom, and under what circumstances” is a growing concern.

The group proposes that it should be addressed by examining “who ‘owns’ or controls the vehicle data, who can expand or limit services offered, and who will ensure privacy and cybersecurity.”

ASA Board Chairman Scott Benavidez said that with independent repair shops performing “70 percent of post-warranty repairs … it is critical that independent repair shops continue to have access to the vehicle data they need to service these cars.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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