Video: Epicor Banks on Technology, Consumer Repair Data to Predict Future Repair Needs
Epicor, which provides automotive aftermarket industry-specific enterprise software, today announced a new predictive analytics solution for auto repair shops.
Epicor Predictive Maintenance Assistant (PMA) helps shops predict future repair demands using evidence-backed data based on repair transactions specific to the motorist’s region, leading to improved profitability and customer satisfaction. This method of proposing auto repair aims to rethink current auto repair standards governed by mileage-based repair recommendations.
PMA leverages Epicor's aftermarket product content engine and connected data network, which provide visibility into over 1 billion part transactions and 140 million vehicle repair events annually.
“These exciting new solutions harness the power of data to help customers not only have the right parts at the right place at the right time, but also to anticipate and address future sales and service opportunities,” said Tim Hardin, Epicor senior vice president of Global Automotive, Data, and Extend Services. “Imagine taking your vehicle to a tire dealership for new tires and being informed that there’s a good chance you will experience a water pump failure in the near future. This holistic vehicle repair intelligence can help shops dramatically strengthen customer confidence and trust, and ultimately, accelerate profitable growth,” Hardin said.
To see a list of recommended repairs, service advisors click on a HyperCard to access the PMA service dossier, which provides replacement rate information specific to the customer's vehicle year, make, model, and engine. This information allows advisors to better recommend research-backed repairs.
“Because they have so many choices, today’s digitally enabled consumers often need additional reasons to return to and trust a vehicle service provider,” Hardin said. “Epicor Predictive Maintenance Assistant enables shops to differentiate themselves through data-driven intelligence that helps take the guesswork out of the car ownership and repair experience.”