Women in Auto Care Hosting ‘Women of the World’ Online Discussion

April 15, 2024
It's the newest installment of WiAC's monthly Connection Circles: online events for women to gain professional insight and network with others in the industry.

Auto Care Association community Women in Auto Care (WiAC) has announced a new addition to its monthly Connection Circle series focused on helping women increase their visibility in the automotive industry.

Each month, Women in Auto Care hosts a variety of different Connection Circles: online events for women to gain professional insight and network with others in the industry. From generational gaps to owning a business to managing a work-life balance, the series covers many different topics from the perspective of women in the field.

The newest, revamped installment, titled “Women of the World,” will explore the barriers and stereotypes that women across the globe still face in the automotive industry, and how women in the field can increase their visibility and empower others to do the same, according to a WiAC LinkedIn post.

Registration is now open for the online event, with the first installment slated for May 1.

About the Author

Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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