The Shop Management System of the Future

June 2, 2022

Get ahead of the rising technology with the many features of AutoRepair Cloud. 

Like the rest of the world, the auto repair industry is quickly becoming more and more technologically driven each day. As cars become more advanced, so do the needs of the shops and technicians who service them. In order to be able to integrate the newest technology into your shop–and keep up with the advancing industry–turn to the Cloud, the AutoRepair Cloud.

As the name suggests, AutoRepair Cloud is a secure and maintenancefree, cloud-based shop management software with a plethora of unique features, benefits, and forward-thinking innovations. AutoRepair Cloud makes it as easy as possible to get started, like providing free support, training and onboarding, so the system can help aid in your shop’s growth and success.

Speed Up Efficiency

Great technology should help your shop move faster and smarter through each step of the repair process. AutoRepair Cloud makes writing quotes quick and efficient. Easily calculate repair costs before presenting to the customer and then store on the Cloud. Depending on the vehicle’s mileage and age, the software will offer a list of approximate maintenance from the database. Once a repair order is made using the software’s easy-to-use templates, keep the history of each customer’s repair orders in one spot and take advantage of the Cloud's limitless storage. Past quotes and repair orders are then easily searchable by a mechanic or customer's name, phone number, vehicle, or license number (or scan of the license plate).

The software also includes a full library of repair manuals and technical information for desired vehicles to minimize the number of programs visited during a repair. Lean on AutoRepair Cloud for your diagnostics, and view OBD-II fault codes using a tablet or your phone.

Make ordering parts just as simple as accessing repair information by utilizing the AutoRepair Cloud integrated auto parts ordering and inventory management tools. Options to integrate accounting software, such as QuickBooks, are also available to make the Cloud a one-stop-shop.

Manage Customers and Communication

Technological advancements have made customer base management and direct communication easier than ever.

Create a customer profile with as little as three clicks and add information at any time. Get notified when a customer makes an appointment and schedule it out through AutoRepair Cloud. Then, organize your team by scheduling time arrangements for technicians for upcoming planned work as well as bay/ venue occupancy. You can also export all of your financial related data to QuickBooks or to a CSV table–along with analytic reports on performance.

Communicate directly with customers by email, chat messages, and notifications through the software’s Repair page. Clients can receive messages on their own web, tablet, or cell AutoRepair Cloud application for both android and iOS. Messages can easily include any image, video, or document to make communication as clear as possible.

Utilize the software to go paperless and perform digital vehicle inspections using ARC features to send them directly to the vehicle owner where you can also attach images and videos.

Become the Hands-free Future

Become a part of the future of the repair industry with AutoRepair Cloud. The software is compatible with Augmented Reality glasses (in beta version, only)– keeping it hands-free and voice-controlled. View technical service information on the heads-up display (HUD) and easily perform digital vehicle inspections while recording videos and pictures. Utilize the software through AR glasses to connect with remote parties (support or specialists) and stream video to remote individuals or on conference calls.

To learn more about each feature of AutoRepair Cloud, and more, visit

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