A Guide to Sending Direct Mail to Current Customers

Oct. 1, 2019
If you are considering sending direct mail to your database of current or lapsed customers, there are three very important things you need to consider.

Before approving your next database mailing, run down this checklist to ensure all of these steps have been taken to validate the quality and accuracy of your mailing.


Utilize the National Change of Address Service (NCOA)

Every year, millions of Americans move, and this undoubtedly includes some of the customers in your database. This can be a problem when you pull your database to use for sending out a direct mail campaign, as you may have customers that have moved and no longer live at the recorded address.

If these customers have moved outside of your trade area, and you were to send a direct mail piece to them, you would essentially be wasting your marketing dollars by sending direct mail to customers that are simply no longer there.

The good news is, there is a simple solution. You can have your direct mail partner run your database against the USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) service. The cost of doing so is very minimal and worth the small additional cost to ensure the quality and accuracy of your database. 

NCOA is a database maintained by the U.S. Postal Service, and includes all of the individuals and companies who have completed a form to change their address in the previous four years. 

Here are a few things you will find out by running your list through the NCOA process is: 

  • Addressee has moved, and a new address could not be provided.
  • New address information is provided.
  • The recipient moved without providing a forwarding address to the USPS.

From here, these previous customers that have moved can easily be removed from future mailings. 


Remove Your Customers From New Acquisition Mailings

Most shop owners who are using direct mail to target their database of current customers are also sending out new customer acquisition mailers to target new prospects, either by carrier route or by specific make, model, fuel type, etc. 

In doing so, it’s important that you request your direct mail partner to remove these current customers from your new customer acquisition mailers. It’s a waste of money to send your customers a new customer acquisition mailer when you are already targeting them by sending them a retention or lapsed customer mailer. It will also send your current/lapsed customers the wrong message. Your marketing and message to new customers should not be the same that it is to current or lapsed customers. 

This is also an easy fix, simply request that your direct mail partner suppress your customer database from your new customer acquisition mailers. The only caveat in doing so, is for general auto shops that are removing their database of customers from their carrier route mailing⁠—there are guidelines that must be met for carrier route mailings in order to receive the maximum discounted postage rate. These guidelines are as follows:

Your mail must be sorted in walk sequence. This is the exact order that the postal carrier walks/drives on their carrier routes. In addition, your mailing must follow the 90/75 rule. The 90/75 rule stipulates that you must mail to at least 90 percent of the total residential addresses, or at least 75 percent of the total combined number of residential and business addresses in each carrier route. Since you, as an auto shop owner will never want to mail to businesses, this means that you must mail to 90 percent of the total addresses in a carrier route to maintain the lowest postage rate. 

If your mailer falls below the 90 percent guideline, there are three different levels of postage that your mailer can potentially fall into. Each level represents an additional cost of per piece postage above and beyond the standard rates.  


Additional Saturation Mail Postage Rates (*As of 1/1/2019)

  • High density plus: Mail at least 300 pieces in walk sequence order (additional postage would be .01 per piece).
  • High density: Mail at least 125 pieces in walk sequence order (additional postage would be.019 per piece).
  • Basic: Mail at least 10 pieces in walk sequence order (additional postage would be .104 per piece). 


Make Use of the Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS)

In addition to running your database through the NCOA process, it’s important to ensure your direct mail partner is also certifying your database mailing list through the Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS). This process will standardize your mailing file, verify that each and every address in your mailing file is valid and complete, as well as update any addresses that have been changed and/or has become outdated.


Click here to learn more about how Mail Shark can bolster your business, provide an unforgettable marketing piece and increase your shop’s visibility.


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The views and opinions expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect those of 10 Missions Media and its associated brands.

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