Oct. 12, 2016—FutureTech is expanding its electric drive training division with the introduction of Access Online, which offers 27 online instructor-led training courses for hybrid, battery electric, EREV, plug-in, and fuel cell vehicle diagnostic and repair.
The courses will focus on technical theory and the basic systems overviews, Access Online’s technical training courses will emphasize practical application of hybrid electric vehicle diagnostic and repair techniques and tools, including scan tool data and PIDs. At the end of each training course, participants will be able to take their new skills back to their businesses and apply it to existing needs. Each participant will receive a Certificate of Completion after concluding each training course.
Registration is now available for the first quarter of 2017. Courses run in 1-hour increments and are scheduled in the evening.
Early-bird registrants will receive 25 percent off of all Access Online training courses until Nov. 30th.
Individuals who are interested in a preview of Access’ hands-on training are invited to two free hands-on training sessions in Las Vegas.