Diesel Vehicle Numbers Rise by 300,000 in 2015

June 10, 2016

June 10, 2016—More than 300,000 new diesel vehicles were registered in the U.S. in 2015, according to a Diesel Technology Forum analysis of the latest Vehicles in Operation (VIO) data compiled by IHS Automotive.

“For the second year in a row, California led the nation in the fastest growth of diesel car and SUV registrations,” Allen Schaeffer, executive director of the Diesel Technology Forum, said. “California consumers are particularly interested in energy-efficiency and eco-friendly vehicle technologies which helps explain the sustained interest in clean diesel cars, trucks and SUVs - ones that provide proven energy efficiency without compromising vehicle performance or driving range.”

California saw a 15.4 percent increase in the number of registered vehicles, while Texas topped the list of states with the most diesel vehicles and Wyoming had the highest percentage of diesel vehicles registered with 11.2 percent of its registered cars being diesel.

“We also project growth in the clean diesel market due to the new federal fuel efficiency standards requiring higher vehicle mileage because diesels achieve about 30 percent better fuel efficiency than gasoline vehicles,” Schaeffer said.

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