Volvo Joins Auto-ISAC

July 11, 2016

July 11, 2016—The Automotive Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Auto-ISAC) announced Monday that Volvo Cars is the latest manufacturer to join the organization and its board of directors.

"Volvo Cars recognizes that cyber-security is a constantly evolving threat that must be dealt with globally in an intelligent and proactive way. Volvo Cars takes cyber security and privacy issues very seriously and therefore, we believe joining the Auto-ISAC is paramount as it will serve as the central organization for analysis and sharing of cyber threats. This global collaboration with other automakers and suppliers will provide additional critical support in our robust efforts to keep our cars as secure as possible," said Klas Bendrik, Volvo senior vice president and group chief information officer.

Auto-ISAC was formed in 2015 as an effort by the auto industry to establish a secure platform for sharing, tracking and analyzing intelligence about cyber threats. It operates as a central hub for members to submit and receive information that helps them combat cyber threats in real time. Auto-ISAC members account for more than 90 percent of light-duty vehicles on the road. 

"We are excited to have Volvo Cars join Auto-ISAC's proactive and collaborative efforts to enhance vehicle cyber security," said Auto-ISAC chairman Tom Stricker of Toyota. "The strength of our organization lies in our ability to bring together insights and perspectives from across the industry. With Volvo Car's valuable expertise, Auto-ISAC will continue its mission to help the industry produce safe vehicles with modern and robust security protections.”

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