Feb. 5, 2019—AMPLY Power announced the addition of a new executive to oversee its sales organization. Simon Lonsdale, former chief strategy officer of ChargePoint, joins AMPLY Power as Head of Sales and Strategy and will work to increase its customer base, alongside establishing strategic partnerships for customer fleets.
"As more industries invest in electrification we are seeing adoption move past passenger cars and into commercial vehicles in municipal, industrial and private fleets as well," said Simon Lonsdale, the new head of sales and strategy for AMPLY Power. "As the electrification of commercial transportation reaches an inflection point in the coming years, I am impressed that AMPLY is taking an innovative approach to keeping EVs charged and ready to drive for fleets, while also protecting them from the high energy bills and costly infrastructure improvements that sometimes accompany this transition at depots. Taking the technical guesswork out of going electric is a critical step towards mainstream electric fleet adoption, and AMPLY is at the forefront of accelerating the migration of fleets to this next-generation of electric vehicles."
Commercial fleet vehicles make up 23% of emissions on US roadways. However, complex utility billing structures, and expensive facility and equipment upgrades, coupled with a lack of transparent processes for employees can leave fleet owners and operators disinclined to expanding electric truck and bus pilots to full deployment. With its charging-as-a-service model, AMPLY takes on the challenges fleets face, while remaining technology agnostic, and guarantees electric vehicle uptime related to charging, in exchange for a price-per-mile-driven billing structure.
"From financing and installing the charging hardware, to working with the utility to upgrade electrical service to various buildings, and even making sure buses and trucks are plugged in at night, we handle everything," said Vic Shao, chief executive officer of AMPLY Power and serial, clean energy entrepreneur, formerly founder of Green Charge Networks, which was acquired by the European energy provider, ENGIE. "Similar to the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) financing model that accelerated solar energy into the mainstream, AMPLY's comprehensive, system-wide approach removes the risks and worries for our fleet customers, and replaces it with predictable pricing and performance guarantees. Fleet operators are not electricity experts, and with AMPLY they don't need to be."