How to Talk Price with Transparency

July 27, 2021
How can you approach the sensitive topic of price without making customers feel vulnerable, overwhelmed, or taken advantage of? Dwayne Myers of Dynamic Automotive explains.

When surveyed by Ratchet+Wrench, many customers noted that they actually paid what they expected on their last repair. Yet, when it comes to the top concerns or pain points for those same respondents, price topped the list. So, what can shops do to maintain an open, and ideally less stressful, dialogue with their customers around price?

In this first episode of Ratchet+Wrench's Inside the Consumer's Mind podcast series, editorial director Anna Zeck chats with Dynamic Automotive's Dwayne Myers to learn how shops can approach the sensitive topic of price and avoid making customers feel vulnerable, overwhelmed, or taken advantage of. 

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About the Author

Megan Gosch

Megan Gosch is the associate editor of Ratchet+Wrench, where she produces content and oversees production of the publication.

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