SBA Webinar to Identify Technologies for Growing Businesses

Aug. 17, 2017
As a growing business, you're juggling a lot on your plate and working at a furious pace. You know technology can help alleviate some of the pains—but where should you start? Join this webinar to learn how to evaluate technology for your growing business. The Small Business Administration and Salesforce will tackle some of the common challenges for small businesses.

Aug. 17, 2017—The Small Business Administration (SBA) and Salesforce are offering a free webinar entitled "Finding the Right Technology for Your Growing Business." It is available now.

The description for the webinar goes as follows:

"As a growing business, you're juggling a lot on your plate and working at a furious pace. Whether you're in tech, finance, manufacturing, or healthcare, you're likely facing challenges with managing and scaling various aspects of your business. You know technology can help alleviate some of the pains—but where should you start? Join this webinar to learn how to evaluate technology for your growing business. We will tackle some of the common challenges for small businesses, and you'll walk away with insight into building a strong technology foundation that will scale as you grow."

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