MNCARS Promotes Automotive Education & Careers

Sept. 24, 2019

Minnesota Careers in Auto Repair and Service (MNCARS) announced the release of new video resources to expand its outreach and raise awareness of career opportunities in the automotive service and collision repair industry.

Sept. 25, 2019—Minnesota Careers in Auto Repair and Service (MNCARS) announced the release of new video resources to expand its outreach and raise awareness of career opportunities in the automotive service and collision repair industry.

The new videos feature students who are currently enrolled in automotive programs telling their stories about how they got there and what they love about the industry.  They share their passion and excitement about the opportunities in front of them. 

The videos and other updated materials support the 2019 campaign message of “Turn Your Passion into a Career.”  In addition to refreshing the campaign’s look and feel and adding text message/SMS marketing capabilities, MNCARS will be advertising on the YouTube platform to reach students with automotive-related interests.

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