This Week in Business Strategies

Sept. 9, 2019
In this week's business-building article, read about how you can handle internal communication with a young staff and why you shouldn't fall into the advice trap.

Sept. 9, 2019—To better assist shop owners with their production management, marketing tactics and leadership styles, Ratchet+Wrench has compiled a short list of essential business-building material from some of its favorite sources.

How to Handle Internal Communication With a Young Staff – Entrepreneur

As any good salesperson can tell you, each target demographic requires a slightly different approach, but the task is ultimately to bring everyone together. According to a report by global risk-management and advisory company Willis Tower Watson, companies with effective communication practices generate 47 percent higher total returns to shareholders compared to organizations with poor communication. 

Make Work Fun Again – Success

Our disdain for discipline starts soon after our first day of school and grows as the stakes are artificially inflated. We’re taught to pass arbitrary tests, but not why work matters. 

It's Time for a C-Level Role Dedicated to Reskilling Workers – Harvard Business Review

As intelligent machines take over many physical, repetitive, or basic cognitive tasks, the work that remains will involve both more technical and digital skills and more personal interaction, creativity, and judgment. The rising premium on these skills means that companies may not always be able to hire the talent they need to execute growth strategies. Increasingly, they need to develop talent from within.

The Coaching Habit: Don't Fall Into the Advice Trap – Thinkers50

Senior Partner of Box of Crayons, Michael Bungay Stanier talks about one of the patterns of leadership behavior that needs to shift, which he calls the Advice Trap.

Getting Personal About Change – McKinsey Quarterly

The need to shift mindsets is the biggest block to successful transformations. A surefire way to shoot yourself in the foot when you’re leading a large-scale change effort is to ignore what’s on the minds of your employees.

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