April 23, 2018—To better assist shop owners with their production management, marketing tactics and leadership styles, Ratchet+Wrench has compiled a short list of essential business-building material from some of its favorite sources.
How to Be a Business Leader: 5 Tips from These TED Talks — Small Business Trends
TED Talks are a great source of quality, reputable instruction, and inspiration, on everything from entertainment to design to science—and leadership. Here are five TED Talks you should be sure to check out.
Top 10 EntreLeadership Podcasts of 2017 — EntreLeadership Podcast
To make the most of the advice given during 2017's season, EntreLeadership is highlighting clips from some of its favorite conversations. They were selected based on number of downloads and feedback from our listeners.
Why Isn't Your Business Listening To Young People? — Forbes
Accessibility of language, changing the experience and visuality of services when it comes to young people needs to change, says Paul Armstrong.
How to Get People to Accept a Tough Decision — Harvard Business Review
Every leader has to make tough decisions that have consequences for their organizations, their reputation, and their career. The first step to making these decisions is understanding what makes them so hard. So, what steps can leaders take to deal with these factors when making decisions?